
Just Adopted Your Second Dog? 3 Reasons Routine Groomer Appointments Can Be Ideal


While you may be used to most of the duties of owning a dog when you already have one, it can become much more work when you've adopted another dog. If you've never owned two dogs at one time, it can be a good idea to start exploring the benefits that come with hiring a routine groomer. Since grooming two dogs can become a lot more work that you might be used to, the assistance that a groomer can provide can be so useful.

18 June 2018

Is Your Dog Feeling Under The Weather? How To Tell If It's Coming Down With Canine Flu


Flu season is here, and it's a bad one. Not only are humans being affected on a widespread basis, but so are dogs. That's because canine flu season is particularly bad this year too. Unfortunately, your dog can't tell you when it's feeling bad. You need to keep an eye out for it. Here are four signs of canine flu that you need to be aware of. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, it's time to talk to the veterinarian.

31 January 2018

Do You Have A Busy Schedule? Combine Dog Boarding With Other Time-Consuming Services


Coming home every day from work to be greeted by your dog is something that may never get old. But, when you start to have a rather busy schedule and do not have much free time, taking them to a boarding facility on your way to work may become standard routine. On the weekend, you will have more free time, but to enjoy this time to the fullest, it can help to take care of your dog's needs in various ways.

16 June 2017

Boarding Your Dog? 4 Things To Pack In Your Puppy's Pack


Many people choose to travel with their pets, but bringing your dog to certain hotels may not be allowed. In these situations, you can board your dog at a safe, caring place without any worries. Unfortunately, most pet owners are not prepared for what is needed when their dog stays in a boarding facility. With this guide, you will know what to pack in your puppy's pack. Food Never assume the boarding facility or your pet sitter will provide your dog with their usual brand of food.

1 June 2017

Mail, Lights, And Cats: What To Do When Planning A Long Vacation


If you're getting ready to head off on a very long trip, then you're probably super excited, but you are also worried about how to handle the logistics of some basics back at home. There are three primary areas you will need to handle. They are: your mail delivery, home security, and your cats. Here's some ideas about what to do. Don't Let Mail Pile Up You never want to have mail pile up at your mailbox, or next to your front door, because that can be a signal to opportunistic burglars that you're away from the house.

17 May 2017

How Pet Grooming Could Save Your Cat's Life


Many people - even those who love cats - often think of cats as being creatures who can take care of themselves. They don't need to be bathed or walked, and they don't become as lonely without their human companions. However, the reality is that cats can develop serious problems if they're left to their own devices. Some major health problems can be caused by a simple lack of grooming. Read on to learn more about these problems and how you can help your cat to avoid them.

27 April 2017

What To Look For In A Dog Boarding Facility


For many of the people who own dogs, a pet is a member of the family. Unfortunately. it's difficult for dogs to accompany their owners on work trips or vacations. If you are planning to be away from home for an extended period of time, you may want to consider boarding your dog at a pet hotel. These facilities are equipped to provide your dog with the care that he or she needs until your return.

17 April 2017

3 Things To Do After You've Adopted A Long-Haired Rescue Dog


If you have recently decided to adopt a long hair rescue dog, then it's important to understand what you should do the first week after you bring home your new pet. These suggestions are geared towards new pet owners, specifically those who have never owned a long-haired dog. Visit a Vet To Get The Dog Inspected You should not rely on the place you adopted the dog from to have performed a thorough medical examination of the dog.

28 March 2017

Boarding Your Puppy and Concerned Over the Cold? 3 Ways to Ease Your Worries


Keeping your puppy warm and comfortable when away on vacation can be a big concern of yours if you live somewhere that gets quite cold during the winter. If you made the decision to rely on boarding services for your puppy, you need to look into exactly what kinds of services and features the facility should have in order for you to feel comfortable with their stay while you're gone.

3 March 2017

Three Important Questions To Ask Before You Hire A Dog Trainer


Buying a puppy can be one of the most exciting events in a family's life, but it's important to follow up that purchase by looking for an experienced dog trainer like The Pet Spot Pet Resort to work with your pet. A well-trained dog is not only a pleasure to have in your home, but will also behave properly in front of guests or when you're out in public. With so many dog trainers advertising their services in your city, it's worthwhile to talk to several trainers before you make your decision.

17 September 2015